Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saving the world by playing a game

I know some people who can stay in front of their PCs and laptops for hours just to play games. Makes you want to ask them what do they get in doing such activity other than a pair of blurry eyes and joy of winning.

I hope they could also take time playing Alter Space, the first Filipino environment awareness game on Facebook. The game was developed by AboitizPower with the idea of giving gamers a fun way to learn practical tips on earth0friendly living. This means a lifestyle that helps reduce the effects of global warming, climate change and carbon emissions on the planet.

One of the challenges is for users to balance happiness, money and carbon footprints in the planet to avoid disaster. Hmmm, quite intriguing, right? If you want to try the game, just visit

Have you seen Catherine Romana?

I found this message posted by the parents of a missing teen.  Kindly share this post so many people will be informed and hopefully one of these days, Catherine will be back in the waiting loving arms of her mom and dad.

"Our daughter Catherine C. Romana has been missing March 26. She is not with her friends that we know. She may have ran away please help us. She is 14 years old, has a learning disability, does not communicate very well and knows little about going around. If you have seen her--last seen wearing green t-shirt, shorts and a pink back pack please contact us. Mony Romana-3453974/09209057259
Please help us."